Herald Theatre, Te Papa Tū Wātea

Herald Theatre is Auckland Live’s home for cutting-edge new performance and drama. This is the place to come to see exciting new works. Everything from new theatre by top local and international playwrights, to international micro circuses, to local dance have all graced the Herald stage. It also plays host to some of the more theatrical shows at the New Zealand International Comedy Festival.

The theatre itself is our most intimate, with 186 seats. It also has its own theatre bar. The large foyer space spills outdoors to a courtyard area, and the walls of the foyer feature a stunning mural by Jeena Shin, installed in early 2014.

You’ll find Herald Theatre at the northern end of the Aotea Centre — you can get to the Herald theatre by travelling around the right hand side of the building from Aotea Square (please note, this is a steep route), or you can access from Mayoral Drive.


Events at Herald Theatre, Te Papa Tū Wātea

Ngā Whakamāoritanga | Translations
Aotearoa / Ireland
Toitū Te Reo
13 March - 15 March

Ngā Whakamāoritanga | Translations

Herald Theatre, Te Papa Tū Wātea
  • Free
  • Seed of an Idea
  • irish meets te reo māori theatre
  • play reading
  • a journey of multilingual & multicultural understanding


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