Public Transport
Closest bus stops are on Queen St, located outside The Auckland Town Hall main entrance, and opposite The Civic on Queen St.
Visit Auckland Transport or download the AT app to see what public transport options are available.
Auckland Transport manages the carparks close to our venues, such as Civic carpark.
If you are driving in to see a show, please come early, and consider using alternative car park options in the central city. The Civic Carpark can fill up very quickly on show nights.
Visit Auckland Transport’s Parking in Auckland webpage for location information, rates and closing times.
We recommend downloading the AT Park app to avoid queues at the payment machines.
Taxi Rank & Drop Off
Closest taxi rank is located outside the Town Hall on Queen Street.
Road closures
Auckland Transport is upgrading the bus stop facilities outside The Civic on Wellesley St from Queen St to Albert St and the road is closed to private motor vehicles including taxis and ride-share vehicles such as Uber from 7.00am to 7.00pm 7 days a week.
Auckland Transport has turned the section of Queen St both ways between Rutland and Wellesley Streets into an Essential Vehicle Area (EVA) and it is permanently closed to all private motor vehicles including taxis and ride-share vehicles such as Uber - view map