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Festival Guide Code of Conduct
As an Auckland Arts Festival Guide, I will:
- Dress and act in an appropriate manner at all times.
- Carry out duties and responsibilities in a safe, efficient, honest, and competent
- Follow the established rules, guidelines and polices of The Auckland Festival Trust/Auckland Arts Festival. This includes any applicable legislation and reasonable instructions given to me whilst volunteering.
- Attend volunteer training and shifts as agreed, reporting any absence to my Auckland Arts Festival contact.
- Treat everyone involved with courtesy and respect to contribute to a friendly and positive environment, including those who may wish to converse in languages other than English.
- Report any accidents, incident, damage hazard, emergency, or situation likely to cause harm to an individual or property.
- Maintain the confidentiality of any information obtained while volunteering and only use I for the purposes it was intended.
- Behave politely, sensitively, and respectfully and avoid behaviour that could be considered harassment, exploitation or discrimination.
- Recognise and respect different opinions, roles, contributions, experience, and skills.
- Notify The Auckland Festival Trust of any potential, existing or arising conflicts of interest.
As an Auckland Arts Festival Guide, I will not:
- Act in a way that may bring The Auckland Festival Trust/Auckland Arts Festival or partners into disrepute (including use of email, social media, and internet sites.
- Engage with the media for matters relating to Auckland Arts Festival.
- Seek or accept any offers, gifts or benefits (excluding those offered directly from Auckland Arts Festival).
- Engage in any activity that may cause physical or mental harm to myself or another person (including verbal abuse, physical abuse, assault, sexual harassment, racial harassment, or bullying).
- Be under the influence of alcohol or non-prescription drugs while volunteering.
- Have unauthorised possession of property.
- Engage in any criminal